The Leading Body for Professional Standards In Independent Martial Arts
Setting & Regulating Standards
By setting universal regulatory frameworks focused on health and safety, safeguarding and compliance and then incentivising clubs to reach compliance milestones, with verified account information, in return for access to additional tools, certification, support and discounts.
In an unregulated industry it can be challenging to lead change that imposes new rules and restrictions on opportunity, and limits what can be done in certain circumstances. That said, BMABA have consistently moved the milestone forward by not just enforcing a rulebook, but proactively encouraging, rewarding and verifying clubs under our banner to ensure the highest level of compliance and oversight possible. We continue to build on this with technological steps forward and new software to help us analyse and record build on a huge scale.
Do you run a martial arts club?
See how BMABA can help you take your club forward to the next level.