Safeguarding is the single greatest priority of all BMABA Clubs
It’s not optional, and as an award winning national association for independent martial arts, we place this responsibility at the front of all our priorities and focuses. We expect all BMABA registered clubs to uphold the highest standards and as an organisation, we have a dedicated, professional safeguarding system in place to handle concerns from members of the public.

Report A Concern
Raise a concern or complaint about any BMABA instructor or club and find out more about understanding how to better protect your children.

LADO & Police
Liaise with our specialist safeguarding team as part of any active concerns regarding our instructors or volunteers.

Parent's Guide
See our article which looks to breakdown common misconceptions on safeguarding, specifically for parents and guardians.
Want to do better with safeguarding within your club?
We get it. Really. Most clubs know they’re not doing the best to keep children safe but don’t always know where to start. We can help, with expert guidance, tools and training.