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Omicron & COVID Contingency Planning For Martial Arts In January 2022

As the situation surrounding Omicron intensifies throughout the United Kingdom, we’re asking clubs to begin seriously focusing on contingency plans to cover a number of outcomes for January 2022.

We know – that feeling in the bit of the stomach again. We felt it constantly throughout 2020 and finally felt it ease as summer of 2021 saw the Return to Play policies slowly allow us back to the mats. Initially there had been optimism around Omicron as it seemed to appear as a less serious variant in terms of the likelihood of becoming seriously unwell. Unfortunately the Government’s predictions – right or wrong – appear to be leaning more and more toward mass hospitalisations. As we all remember from 2020, this means more restrictions on our freedoms and – as it has previously – this spills into the sport and recreation sector.

This is nothing to do with politics. We’re not judging the Government’s measures as right or wrong. We do believe (as we did in 2020) that Sport and Fitness should be prioritised and we remain baffled by previous measures making it legal to visit the cinema and stop off for a pint on the way home, but illegal to workout! All that aside, we can use past events to try and predict future outcomes.

Many main-stream media outlets are now rumouring leaked documents that speak of the need for much more drastic action as early as December 18th. Many more are speculating that the main ‘hit’ of Omicron will arrive in January 2022 following Christmas mixing.

Eitherway, now is the time to prepare. Around a week ago when Omicron first arrived on our shores, we posted about our three planned outcomes for Martial Arts. You can revisit our three supposed outcomes at the bottom of this post for a recap if needed.


What Should Martial Arts Clubs Expect In January 2022?

Who knows! If multiple media reports are correct (BBC News, Guardian, Daily Mail as a few examples) we should anticipate a fairly serious re-introduction of restrictions. This has been likened to the infamous phases of exit from lockdown from earlier in 2021. At Phase 2, which happened after 12th April 2021, gyms could re-open but only for individual training. Group sessions were not permitted. We sincerely hope the Government may have prioritised sport and fitness this time around and with any luck, martial arts (being part of the sport & gym restriction setting) will be able to continue lessons in January. It seems plausible to expect a restriction on physical contact meaning non-contact training only, per Phase 1 of our interim return to play policy which was approved by Sport England.

The ball is very much up in the air. Unlike in previous months, this time it feels like it could fall out of the court completely. With this in mind, it’s crucial clubs plan for a number of outcomes starting with the worst first.

  1. Complete closure of all group and individual training, reverting to online lessons
  2. Allowance for outdoor socially distanced training only in small groups
  3. Continuation of indoor training but on an individual only basis
  4. Continuation of indoor training on a group basis but with no contact
  5. Possibility of adults being restricted but children being permitted contact training, in-line with our Return to Play policy.
  6. Continuation of contact training ‘as is’ but with added COVID restrictions.

This is a really heavy lift for clubs to face up to so close to Christmas but we fear if you don’t plan for this now, you may have very little time to react to changes in legislation from Government. As we know, the DCMS tend to talk with the NGB network and inform them of changes, but as an independent club we’re often the last to know. Planning – even if roughly – for all 6 outcomes will help you ensure you can fall back on pre-arranged content and planning in advance. In practical terms, you should start to think of lesson plans and how you can manage deviations and controls on contact, mixing, sparring and grappling. This is especially true if you’re a grappling art. You should also speak to venues to be prepared for changes to bookings, as well as thinking about where or how you might deliver online classes as well as any possibility of outdoor classes.

We may well be in for a tough Q1 2022 (January to March). Preserving cashflow and being careful with your spending early in January will be important however we expect to know roughly ‘just how bad’ the situation is after the Christmas break, if not before.

BMABA will stand shoulder to shoulder with your club in 2022, regardless of the outcome. Our instinct is that restrictions may land somewhere between 3 to 5, but it seems perfectly possible we could see a complete temporary closure of gyms again. Closures or restrictions should be relatively short lived in 2022 and we doubt they will run for more than a few months, but planning and forecasting for various outcomes will be important for clubs of all sizes if you are to ‘hold steady’ when things return in January.

We will update and re-release our hugely successful and completely free COVID-Award Instructor Certification very early in January of 2022 so clubs can refresh their knowledge and show students and parents fresh certification. We will also re-open our (still available) COVID Recovery Toolkit to make pre-made press releases, covid risk assessments, venue liaison services, marketing and more all freely available. We need to await a clearer idea of the direction of travel for restrictions first – but we are ready to respond promptly. Likewise, a brand new student management system and member’s area will be ready for clubs to use early 2022 and this will help clubs deliver online training to members only.

We may be on for a difficult first few months of 2022. As Giovanni (our Chief Exec.) always says – the 7 P’s are essential (proper planning and preparation prevents a pi*s poor performance). You can lean on us as much as is needed, even during the Christmas closure period, and we’ll remain available and responsive to changes in law and COVID restrictions.

We can be optimistic, but we should prepare for the worst (hope for the best, plan for the worst). If we’re lucky, we will continue in January with added hygiene or a slight restriction on some aspects of contact. Our key aim is to see you return in the best possible capacity. Please keep an eye on MyBMABA and our App for the latest updates and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for the latest news and developments.


From our earlier post dated 29th November 2021.

As the old saying goes; “plan for the worst, hope for the best” and so we’re pre-planning three outcomes – A, B and C – to ensure our clubs are able to respond rapidly to changes in guidance from DCMS (Department For Digital, Culture, Media & Sport) and Government.


Plan A assumes that we do not see any material changes to legislation around grassroots sports and, in particular, combat sports. This would mean very much everything continuing ‘as is’ for us in the martial arts world, despite some wider restrictions being re-imposed on the broader public.

As it stands at time of writing (29/11/21) there is nothing within the Government plans that should give way to immediate concern however for broader restrictions such as face coverings in shops to be re-imposed, clubs should now start planning for a more severe reaction trickling through to sports and recreation.


We don’t know, but our best guess would be January or February. Many clubs are winding down for Christmas in the coming weeks and whilst there is a crucial review on-going at present to see what impact Omicron has on health care, vaccines and other key services, any fallout (if the feedback is negative) is likely to emerge after the Christmas Festivities similarly to last year.


Plan B works on the ‘best worst case’ scenario and is the outcome we feel could be most likely re-instated if infections continue to rise and wider society is once again caught up in some form of ‘lockdown’ or ‘crackdown’. Under Plan B, we’re asking clubs to be ready to move back into the RtP (Return to Play) process as was in place throughout much of the early to late summer of 2021.

The Return to Play process was, in our eyes, full of blatant bias and outrageous oversights but within three weeks of it coming into plan we had managed to negotiate with Sport England specific authorisation for all unrepresented disciplines (those without a Sport England NGB) the right to return to all phases of contact training alongside NGB supported disciplines. Those who taught during this period will recall the many difficulties understanding sometimes quite complex guidance, as well as the obvious headache of lining up multiple RtP documents for those practicing some styles with NGB representation, and others without.

Any changes and imposed rules will require the DCMS (Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport) to update the Combat Sports Framework and it is our hope that they will ‘switch back on’ the guidance already approved by Governing Bodies, given the months of work that went into this.

We feel that PLAN B is the most likely ‘worst case’ scenario we should be planning for and so we’re asking all clubs to re-visit our Return to Play policy and do a brief bit of pre-action study. This should mean if it is re-introduced you’re well ahead of the game in terms of any changes to lesson plans, content and class setup.

Read This Post Here


Plan C would be our worst case scenario in which all physical training is once again suspended. We were aggrieved by how long it took Government to reverse this during the first lockdown and subsequent lockdowns and whilst it does seem an unlikely outcome this time around (as it would mean the entire shutdown of society again) it’s well worth having some action plans to hand, should it be sprung upon us after Christmas as was the case last year.

Make sure you have online capabilities, including access to some sort of conferencing software, an up to date website and some adapted lesson plans. If you need or wish to provide ‘on demand’ content it may be worth thinking about banking a few hours of footage during December, especially if you require a partner for your discipline.

In all honesty, with the effectiveness of vaccines, it seems highly unlikely we will have to move to Plan C but it would be foolish to bank on this so we’re asking clubs to consider the impact to cashflow, to liaise closely with venues and to plan for a way in which you may be able to manage any ‘firebreak’ online classes (for a short period, such as a 3 week post-Xmas stint) online.

If you need any support, have questions or would like to ask us for any specific resources to help your club prepare for the differing outcomes in January please speak with us through your preferred channel.

We Will Stand By Your Club, Whatever Comes

Since COVID first emerged in February of 2020 we’ve stood toe to toe with our members, big and small. As an organisation we’ve doubled in size and we’re one of the only martial arts associations to have a dedicated office with a full staff of employees on hand to help. Our COVID contingency toolkit, Covid aware qualifications and other COVID support measures were second to none.

Whatever comes in January 2022, BMABA will be in your corner to represent, guide and support your club, regardless of style or size. We make all of our COVID support completely free and open to every member, even those on our free year’s ‘affiliate’ option.

If you think we might be able to support you, see what we did for our member’s last time and feel free to join us for free online via our affiliate membership option.

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A completely free club management system.

We know. What’s the catch? Well, we’re a trade body for martial arts, not a profit-hungry corporation. We know how important the latest tech is in keeping our clubs kicking and – ultimately – that keeps us going too!

FREE Club Management Software Exclusively Built By Us, Just For Our Clubs

ClubManager by BMABA is our in-house, professionally developed Club Management solution. It’s free for all of our members and comes with a tonne of essential and groundbreaking features as standard.


  • Attendance & Grade Tracking
  • Student Records Management
  • Class Bookings & Timetables
  • Flexible Payments & Memberships
  • Grading Certificates Generator
  • Licence Slip & Documents Generator
  • Customised Branding & Functionality
  • Data Freedom & Ownership
  • Leads & Prospects Management
  • Online Video Training Library
  • 1to1 Tuition Management & Billing
  • Events Management & Ticketing
  • Secure Safeguarding Case Management
  • Manage Events & Competitions
  • Student Portal & Member's Content
  • Concussion & RtP Management
  • Digital Incident Log Book
  • Digital Risk Assessments
  • Task Management
  • Registrations & Waivers
  • Built-In Club Community & Forums
  • Manual Invoicing
  • Accounting & Budgeting
  • Staff Management & Staffroom
  • Calendar & Scheduling
  • Business Management & Planning
  • Easy To Use Parent Accounts

Membership with BMABA is so much more than just a piece of paper.

From template grading certificates and draft documents through to a free club website and national club listings. Whether it be advice on club structure and marketing or membership marks and qualifications. DBS checks, first aid qualifications, coaching certificates, instructor licenses, insurance, business plans, equipment, graphics – even club management platforms and web hosting. We can cover it under just one simple, affordable membership.

Founded in 2012 by the now Multi-Award Winning Social Entrepreneur & Life-Long Martial Artist, Giovanni Soffietto.

Frustrated by a governing structure in martial arts that failed to look forward to the future, Giovanni setup BMABA in 2012. Aged just 20 with only £20 of ‘start-up capital’ BMABA comes from humble beginnings.

Focused on professional standards and ethics rather than belts and titles, BMABA boasts the pedigree of a life-long martial arts expert come award winning social entrepreneur as it’s Chief Executive Officer. It’s fair to say we’re well qualified and backed by an industry giant. We now turnover more than £1,000,000 and support tens of thousands of martial artists across the UK.

"BMABA give away belts for cash"

"BMABA don't care about safeguarding"

"BMABA are so unprofessional"

Over the past 13+ years we’ve heard so much of this sort of nonsense from the ‘old boys’ associations.

The truth couldn’t be further than their lazy, fear-filled assertions. We’re a disruptor, renowned for our professionalism and governance, but they wouldn’t want you to know that. 

In an industry so full of cowboys, we don’t expect you to take our word for any of this. Dig beneath the surface, and see for yourself.

Membership To BMABA Is So Much More Than Just A Piece Of Paper

We have always been focused on providing clubs with everything they need under a single membership, and our range of resources, tools and features delivers exactly that.

From template grading certificates and documents through to a free club website and national club listings. Whether it be advice on club structure and marketing or membership marks and qualifications. DBS checks, first aid qualifications, coaching certificates, instructor licenses, insurance, business plans, equipment, graphics – you named it, we cover it under just one simple, affordable membership.

Club Colours Award That Exceeds Sport England’s Safeguarding Standards

Our Club Colours Award process not only issues a ‘school of excellence’ mark to clubs who hold it, but the safeguarding oversight has been mapped against SCiMA and then approved by Sport England which allows us to automatically issue the ‘Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts’ award to every club that holds our ‘tick mark’. We receive zero funding to run this, but we ensure it’s completely free for every single BMABA member to access.

We’re the only independent association who can offer this.

Certification, Insurance & Evidence With You, On The Go.

Tired of waiting weeks for hand-written documents in the post? Access your BMABA instructor’s documentation, student license slips, insurance certification and even your own submitted DBS checks, first aid qualifications and other criteria 24/7.

Our systems provide you with access to all of this documentation on the go. Be it from a mobile, our app or a desktop – so you can access, download and share your certification when you need it most.


Available for free on Android and OS devices, the BMABA app allows instructors, volunteers and assistant instructors to access the latest updates, resources, guidance, community, forums and loads more. Bring your association, along with all your digital certification – with you in your pocket.

Industry Renowned Qualifications & Training

We’re always building on our library of industry-leading awards and qualifications. This includes our Level 1 and Level 2 instructor qualifications, our Safeguarding & Lead Safeguarding qualifications, our First Aid Award, Club Colours Award, Club Management Qualifications, Risk Management, Concussion & Head Injury, and so much more. 

All online and accessible 24/7 from any device.

The Ultimate, FREE, Club Management Platform

We provide all members with access to exclusive student management software which will help you track attendance, see student details, show your class schedule, accept online bookings, run a club shop, update your members with club news, run a members’ only area and so much more. All completely free of charge.

From SEO, AI and Analytics through to content publishing, class scheduling, online incident log book entries and so, so much more. It’s all inclusive at no extra cost making BMABA the industry leaders in affordable tech solutions for martial arts clubs.

£1,000 Of Tools, Rolled Into One Affordable Membership

From template grading certificates, safeguarding policies and club registration forms to our online logo designer, club accreditation marks and premium club finder listings. BMABA Club Cash Grants and designated safeguarding lead services through to marketing plans, SEO platforms, AI software, Wordpress websites, web hosting and so, so much more. It’s all inclusive and wrapped up into your membership fee so you can access more services with us than anywhere else without paying a penny more.

We Grant Up To £500 To Help Clubs Make Charitable Impact & Grow

Our BMABA Club Grants Scheme donates up to £500 per grant to clubs up and down the UK of all sizes. It helps to make a difference to clubs who want to make a charitable impact, purchase new kit to offer safer classes, or need emergency support in times of crisis. 

We’ve funded research into safeguarding failures in MMA, classes for women and girls at risk of abuse, scholarships for children living in poverty, new mats and punchbags for clubs wanting to safer classes, and so much more.

All self funded. From our profits, back into our community.

Ready to take your club to new heights?

It's in our slogan; "To High Places By Narrow Roads".

Plus So Much More As Standard Just Some Of The Tools & Resources We Offer

  • Instructor Certification & Licensing
  • Student Insurance & Licensing
  • Free Instructor Qualifications
  • Safeguarding Qualifications
  • Enhanced DBS Checks
  • First Aid Training
  • Free Club Website
  • Club Management Support
  • Instructor Certification & Licensing
  • Logos & Accreditation Marks
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Platform
  • Local & National Networking
  • Stock Grading Certificates
  • Free Instructor Qualifications
  • Template Documents & Forms
  • Printing & Design
  • Safeguarding Code For Martial Arts
  • Best Practice Guidance
  • Wordpress Hosting
  • a.i For Martial Arts
  • Event Management Checklists
  • Safeguarding Model Policies
  • Analytics & Tracking Tools
  • Budgeting Apps
  • Professional Webmail
  • Clothing & Uniform
  • Cyber Toolkit
  • Cash Grants & Funding
  • Risk Management Awards
  • Concussion & Head Injury
  • National Advertising
  • Entrepreneur's Support
  • Plus So Much More

Not entirely convinced?

Try us for free for 12 months, with no obligation.

There’s absolutely no obligation to commit beyond 12 months. You’ll be able to explore what we offer, our member’s area, all of our licensing options and get a better feel for the BMABA’s service without any obligation to become a full member. We genuinely believe the best way to find out if we’re any good is to try us yourself.

Thinking of switching?

We know there’s a lot to think about, and we can help.

We have absolutely no interest in enticing you to switch to BMABA if we’re not the right fit. We know that won’t last and isn’t good for you or us. Instead, we can offer a confidential switching process to help you price up whether or not it’s worth while, whilst also getting answers to any questions you might have.

We have a real team based out of a real office.

There’s nothing wrong with smaller martial arts associations. In fact, we think it’s good for competition and variety. Unfortunately too many are one-man bands run from kitchen tables, and not professional set ups with staff.


BMABA. Suite I & K, The Old Bakery, Golden Square, Petworth. GU28 0AP

Registered Office

BMABA, 132 City Road, London. N1 6AD

Servicing Office

BMABA, International House, Woolwich House, 61 Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3HZ

The UK's Leading and Largest Multi-Style Trade Body For Martial Arts

BMABA Limited T/A British Martial Arts & Boxing Association
Registered Address: Kemp House, 132 City Road. London. EC1V 2NX
HQ: BMABA, The Old Bakery. Golden Square, Petworth. GU28 0AP
Servicing Office: International House, Woolwich House, 61 Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3HZ
Phone: 0333 335 6032  | EMail:

BMABA Limited. Reg. 10676965.
ICO Registration Number: ZA241917
Social Enterprise License No: 11677
VAT Registration Number: 373018216

Emergency Services, Armed Forces and NHS front line staff are all entitled to 10% discounts across all of our memberships for live. This applies to all ex-serving armed forces and emergency workers too.

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