Our New BMABA Office Is Nearly Ready

For those of you who follow us regularly on Instagram and Facebook, you will know we’re currently ‘knee-deep’ in a major office refurbishment and move.
The BMABA was founded in 2012 as a community organisation and was initially run by a voluntary team without offices or staff. As the organisation enjoyed rapid growth throughout 2014-2016 we were forced to take on a small office facility in London. We still hold this today – Kemp House, City Road, although we don’t regularly position any of our team here (we use this for some important mail duties and for meetings).
In 2019 we moved into our new operations office in West Sussex. This was part of the BMABA’s push for major growth and saw us bring on a new Operations and Strategic Management team, as well as a range of new ‘firsts’. This included our first ’employees’ (we call them team, because that’s exactly what we are), new offices, new equipment, dedicated phone lines and so on. To have closed so much room in six years was, to us, the most amazing achievement.
Just a year on and on the back of more than 165% year on year growth for the last 3 years – including during COVID – we’re flexing our arms for the first time in terms of office and space.
Our Founder and Chief Executive Office, Giovanni, had the following to say;
Having started the BMABA with £20 of initial capital and absolutely no ‘foot-ups’ in 2012, it’s humbling and inspiring to be here today. To be not just moving offices during Coronavirus but to be actually up-sizing considerably, undertaking a complete refurbishment and bringing on more than three additional team members pretty much perfectly on our 8 year anniversary; it’s unreal. If ever there was a reason to believe in dreaming big and believing that the impossible is anything but, its the sign on our door today. We hope this inspires our clubs to continue digging deep and pushing on as we hopefully edge closer to an end of the current coronavirus pandemic restrictions on martial arts.
The new office is cutting edge. Completely redesigned to accommodate our growing team it incorporates the very latest technology, communications infrastructure and design. Phase one is due to complete next week – around 14th-16th September and this will provide our core team with a new, creative space to run the day to day operations of BMABA. The office also helps us grow out the newly formed BMABA Group eventually providing separate space for all of our subsidiaries and sister organisations.
Phase 2 will be commencing as soon as COVID restrictions make it viable and will include the full refurbishment of an adjoining office to provision face to face training in first aid, safeguarding, health and safety and more. Phase 3 will then incorporate further downstairs space for the growing office, including a dedicated media studio and filming space.
We’re in for an exciting few months and look forward to sharing the new office space with our members.
Please do bear in mind that for a few days between 10th September and 16th September there may be some disruption to our telephone service, and our ability to respond as promptly as usual. Our London office will be picking up all calls and taking messages for our operations team to return when possible. Our core staff will be working remotely whilst the refurbishment completes.
There will be no change to our contact details or phone number, other than the main address moving from Unit E to Unit K.
See the behind the scenes shots across our social media channels;
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“What help can BMABA provide my club over the coming months?”
We can confidently say there is no other martial arts association in the UK that has done anywhere near as much as BMABA in supporting, guiding and protecting our clubs during lockdown. Naturally, this proactive and industry-first approach will continue throughout recovery through to the end of next year when we anticipate the potential of martial arts being back to pre-Covid conditions.
Everything from a free Covid-Aware martial arts instructor qualification and Covid-Policy through to marketing material, council liaison services, risk assessments, covid and hygiene equipment, club communications, subsidised insurances, free qualifications and courses, business support, covid-recovery toolkits and so, so much more. Our guidance on evolving regulation and easing of lockdown measures is properly curated and managed for accuracy, and we’re working across our extensive group of not for profit organisations to make it easier and more affordable than ever to keep your club alive during lockdown, and thriving when you can safely re-open.