We Launch A Covid-19 Recovery Toolkit, Including A Free Covid-19 Aware Martial Arts Instructor Qualification

We have witnessed the devastation Coronavirus has inflicted on the Martial Arts sector here in the UK first hand. We have had to watch hundreds of clubs fail completely, with thousands more pushed to the point of near-collapse. Despite our tens of thousands of pounds of funding, lockdown measures have had a crippling effect on the ability for many clubs to generate revenue.
In May, our association’s funding bit to Sport England was declined, despite the many vulnerable groups we work with, and despite the 30,000 members here in the UK we are supporting through Coronavirus. Unperturbed by this set back, the BMABA Group of Social Enterprises which we are a flagship part of continued to allocate on-going self-generated funding to help us inturn support our members.
With this in mind, and with lockdown measures throughout the UK starting to adapt, we have launched our National Coronavirus Recovery Strategy. A key and instrumental part of this is our Covid-19 Recovery Toolkit. This is a range of new resources, tools and services designed to help BMABA instructors and clubs emerge from lockdown and rebuild their clubs in a way that is as safe, professional and Covid-aware as possible.
We are fully funding this entire program, which means it is completely free to all premium BMABA members.
What’s included in our Covid-19 Martial Arts Recovery Tooklit?
You can see here for yourself. At a snapshot, some of the key provisions include;
- Covid-Aware Martial Arts Instructor Qualification
- Covid-Aware Marketing Material
- Social Distancing Assistance
- Covid-19 Martial Arts Risk Assessments
- Help Running Online & Outdoor Sessions
- National Advertising Campaign
- Liaison Support With Councils, Schools & Venues
- ESCP Policy Creation
- Syllabus & Grading Assistance
- Insurance & Safeguarding Guidance
- Latest Guidance & Support
- Thousands Of Pounds Of Subsidies
From our research, this continues to be the biggest investment in the recovery of grass roots martial arts happening within any martial arts association in the UK.
Despite Sport England declining to offer us any support or guidance, we will not allow this to hinder the recovery of our grass roots martial arts clubs. Our work will continue as we see opportunities for a safe return to martial arts beginning to emerge. The environment at the moment remains quite complex and fast-changing, but our advice and guidance – based on the latest from the DCMS and Sport & Recreation Alliance – will remain up to date throughout.
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