BMABA Introduces Brand New Student Packages

We know clubs have a tough few months ahead of them as lockdown relaxes. That’s why we’re spending November’s lockdown redeveloping all of our key resources and tools, to ensure they are ready for 2021 and whatever it throws in the way of clubs and instructor across the UK.
A key source of income for clubs big and small – as well as a key provision for student’s development in martial arts – is student licensing. Student licensing is the collective term for student insurance, student membership and student licensing.
BMABA have always been a market leader in terms of what our student memberships offer clubs and students. Our student membership services are competitively priced, flexible and feature packed. Ahead of 2021 and the recovery process many clubs and instructors will be undertaking we have taken it upon ourselves to completely refresh what we offer to clubs in terms of student licensing whilst reducing costs, as part of our 15 pledges to clubs.
Effective from 1st December, BMABA will be able to offer three options for student licensing with pricing from just £1.42 per student, per year (with even lower pricing available for very large bulk registrations);
Our flagship registration service, named student licensing allows clubs to register named students for a year’s insurance, membership and licensing. Included as standard is a full selection of PDF documents, including a membership certificate and license slip. The option of including these in foiled, printed copies with license books is also available. Clubs can monitor and track student registrations using our bespoke online system, where they can also upload grades and student progress 24/7. Membership with insurance can be put in place automatically using our app or website, and confirmation is provided in real-time. We even provide a bespoke licensing service whereby clubs can co-brand registration documents to match their own colours and designs. Our named registration service will also provide access to an award winning student portal through which students can contact the association, view their own documents, see association guidelines and interact with their club. You can see a ‘sneak-peak’ of the beautiful certification students receive at the top of this post.
New for the end of 2020 and ready for 2021, open allocation allows clubs to self-manage student registrations. This effectively means a club can purchase a ‘block’ of students and are then free to allocate cover to students on a rolling basis. If a student leaves mid way through the year, clubs can switch that position out for another student without charge. Whilst this set up doesn’t include the full certification set up by default we do provide template membership certificates for instructors to complete at club level to help demonstrate licensing to members. Open allocation is very flexible and very affordable, which makes it a great fit for clubs on tight budgets or larger, commercial organisations that don’t require the licensing and certification that comes as standard in named registrations. Our bespoke online instructor portal allows full visibility on student registrations and allocations in real-time, from any device, 24/7.
We recognise that some clubs might not want any paperwork or financial responsibility for student registrations and for these instructors, self-billing is a great option. Students visit a secure BMABA student portal registration service and pay their fees directly to BMABA. We take care of sending out beautiful certification and exclusive merchandise straight to the student’s door, with digital copies made available to the club too. In addition to no admin or payment requirements for clubs, for every student registered BMABA credit the instructor’s renewal fund which in turn helps reduce the costs of insurance at each renewal. This offers a professional registration service for your students whilst reducing your instructor renewal fees for the year ahead.
We will be providing more details and insights on pricing for all three registration types in the next couple of weeks so please keep a close eye on MyBMABA if you’re a member. If you’re not, you can join for free for 6 months to explore our student provisions in more detail.
We’ve said it before and we will say it again. We will stop at nothing to help grassroots martial arts to recover.
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“What help can BMABA provide my club over the coming months?”
We can confidently say there is no other martial arts association in the UK that has done anywhere near as much as BMABA in supporting, guiding and protecting our clubs during lockdown. Naturally, this proactive and industry-first approach will continue throughout recovery through to the end of next year when we anticipate the potential of martial arts being back to pre-Covid conditions.
Everything from a free Covid-Aware martial arts instructor qualification and Covid-Policy through to marketing material, council liaison services, risk assessments, covid and hygiene equipment, club communications, subsidised insurances, free qualifications and courses, business support, covid-recovery toolkits and so, so much more. Our guidance on evolving regulation and easing of lockdown measures is properly curated and managed for accuracy, and we’re working across our extensive group of not for profit organisations to make it easier and more affordable than ever to keep your club alive during lockdown, and thriving when you can safely re-open.